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第一条 为了及时、准确对赃物、没收财物、无主财物、纠纷财物进行估价,维护国家利益以及公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,保障司法、行政执法和经济活动的正常秩序,特制定本办法。
第二条 本省行政区域内的赃物、没收物、无主财物、纠纷财物的估价鉴定适用本办法。
第三条 本办法所称赃物是指违法犯罪行为人所侵占的财产物品。
第四条 各级物价部门负责本行政区域内赃物、没收财物、无主财物、纠纷财物估价的监督管理工作。
第五条 价格事务所应按照国家的物价政策和作价原则分别按下列情形进行估价:
第六条 依法应当公开拍卖的财物,其拍卖底价按本办法第五条规定的原则,结合市场情况、可变现程度等确定。
第七条 司法机关审理案件,按司法机关有关规定或审案要求需要估价的涉案财物,行政机关依法处理行政争议和行政执法中需要估价的各类财物以及依法变价处理的无主物等财物,均应委托价格事务所进行估价。
第八条 委托价格事务所进行估价鉴定,应出具估价鉴定委托书。估价鉴定委托书应载明委托事项和要求,并向价格事务所提供委托物的名称、牌号、规格、来源、数量、购置时间、质量状况以及与估价有关的其他情况。
第九条 价格事务所接到估价委托后,应按约定的事项、内容和时间作出估价结论。估价过程中,一方若有变更,须事先通知另一方,由双方协商解决。
第十条 委托物估价,必须由两名以上估价人共同办理。估价鉴定人与委托估价的事项有利害关系,可能影响公正估价的,应当回避。
第十一条 物品价值结合实物状况评估。
第十二条 价格事务所及其估价鉴定人对委托物品的价格评估结论负责。
第十三条 对同一财物不能多头委托、重复估价。委托人对估价鉴定结论有异议的应在收到《估价鉴定结论书》十日内向原估价机构要求补充鉴定或者重新鉴定,也可委托上一级价格事务所复核或重新估价。
第十四条 价格事务所及其估价鉴定人,由省物价部门考核,取得“估价鉴定资格证书”后,方能从事涉案财物估价鉴定。
第十五条 价格事务所及其估价鉴定人有徇私舞弊、弄虚作假的,由主管部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;不宜进行估价鉴定工作的,由省物价部门撤销其估价鉴定资格。
第十六条 估价鉴定实行有偿服务,收费标准按照国家或省有关规定执行。
第十七条 本办法由省物价局负责解释。
第十八条 本办法自颁布之日起实施。



国家无线电管理委员会 等




第一条 为了加强对进口无线电发射设备的管理,根据《中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》和《机电产品进口管理暂行办法》,制定本规定。
第二条 凡进口无线电发射设备必须遵守本规定。
第三条 在本规定中,无线电发射设备定义为:无线电通信、导航、定位、测向、雷达、遥控、遥测、广播、电视等各种发射无线电波的设备,不包含可辐射电磁波的工业、科研、医疗设备、电气化运输系统、高压电力线及其他电器装置等。
第四条 凡向我国出口的无线电发射设备,外商须持有我国国家无线电管理委员会办公室(以下简称国家无委办公室)核发的《无线电发射设备型号核准证》(见附件1),设备须标明无线电发射设备型号核准代码。
第五条 办理《无线电发射设备型号核准证》的程序:
第六条 对每一个无线电发射设备型号核发唯一的核准代码,若因采用新技术等原因而改变了已经核准设备型号的性能或主要技术参数,则该设备型号须按第五条重新办理《无线电发射设备型号核准证》。
第七条 国家无委办公室定期向社会公布核准和撤消《无线电发射设备型号核准证》的设备。
第八条 进口无线电发射设备按以下程序办理进口审查手续:
第九条 海关放行后,进口单位应在一个月内将一定比例的进口设备送交国家无委办公室或省、自治区、直辖市无委办公室委托的检测单位,对核准项目进行检测。设备体积过大不能送检的,可进行现场检测,或由生产厂商提供国外检测机构的检测报告经办理进口审查批件的无委办公室认可。检测不合格的设备,按国家有关进口管理规定处理。
第十条 办理无线电发射设备进口审查及核发《无线电设备进关审查批件》权限如下:
第十一条 为外销生产而进口无线电发射设备CKD、SKD散件,该类产品可不办理《无线电发射设备型号核准证》,由海关办理监管手续,其产品不得在国内销售和使用。若在国内销售和使用,应按第五条办理《无线电发射设备型号核准证》和第八条办理进关审查手续,海关凭《无线电设备进关审查批件》照章补税验放。
第十二条 为科技交流活动需临时展示从国外带入的无线电发射设备样机或为体育比赛等项活动需临时使用从国外带入的无线电发射设备,且活动结束后设备复运出境,可不办理《无线电发射设备型号核准证》,但应由国家或当地无委办公室核发《无线电设备进关审查批件》并由海关办理监管手续。
第十三条 各国驻华代表机关、领事机关,各国际组织驻华代表机构及其人员,携带或者运载无线电发射设备入境,须书面向外交部申请,外交部征得国家无委办公室同意后予以批准。入关时,应向海关申报并提供外交部批准文件,海关审核放行。
第十四条 个人携运自用无线电发射设备入境,须由当地无委办公室核发《无线电设备进关审查批件》。
第十五条 军事系统进口军用无线电发射设备,其《无线电发射设备型号核准证》由国家无委办公室核发,其他具体实施办法由中国人民解放军无线电管理委员会按照本规定制定。
第十六条 违反本规定进口无线电发射设备,按国家无线电管理有关处罚规定和海关管理有关处罚规定处理。
第十七条 本规定由国家无线电管理委员会办公室负责解释。
第十八条 本规定自1996年1月1日起施行。

| 国 徽 |
| 设备名称 | |
| 设备型号 | |
| 主要功能 | |
| 调制方式 | |
| 主 要 技 术 参 数 及 其 指 标 值 |
| 频率范围 | |
| 频率容限 | | 发 射 功 率 | |
| 占用带宽 | | 杂散发射限值 | |

|申请单位: | 法人代表 |(签字) |
| |------------|----------------------------------|
| | 联 系 人| |
| |------------|----------------------------------|
| (盖章) | 电 话 | |
| 通信地址 | | 邮政编码 | |
| 设备名称 | | 型 号 | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| 主要功能 | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| 调制方式 | |
| 技术参数 | 频率范围 | 占用带宽 | 发射功率 |
| 指 标 值| | | |

|1、申请进口单位主管部门(地区): |4、申请单位经办人: |
| | |
|----------------------------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------------------------| |
|2、申请进口单位: |5、电 话: |
| | |
|----------------------------------------------------| |
|3、申请进口单位地址: |6、邮政编码: |
| | 年 月 日(申请单位签章) |
|----------------------------------------------------| |
|13、到货口岸(具体关名): |14、对外签订合同单位: |
|15、项目名称:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|16、项目类别:------------------------------------ 17:项目所属行业:------------------------------ |
|18、项目可行性研究报告批准单位和文号: |
|19、进口产品明细:(见附表,共 页) |20、进口金额合计: 万美元|
|21、产品名称 |22、型号规格 | 单位 |23、数量|24、金额|25、原产地|26、商品编码|
| | | | |(万美元)| | (H.S.)|
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | |地区、部门机电产品 |
| | |进口办公室意见: |
| 备 | | |
| | | |
| 注 | | |
| | |受理日期: 年 月 日 |

|1、申请进口单位主管部门(地区): |4、对外签订合同单位: |
| | |
|2、申请进口单位: |5、证明编号: |
| | |
|----------------------------------------------------| |
|3、申请进口单位地址: |6、有效期: |
| | 年 月 日前到货有效 |
|----------------------------------------------------| |
|13、到货口岸(具体关名):---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|14、产品名称 |15、型号规格 | 单 位 |16、数量|17、金额|18、贸易国|19、商品编号|
| | | | |(万美元)| 或地区 | (H.S.)|交
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |海
| | | | | | | |关
| | | | | | | |作
| | | | | | | |验
| 总 计 | | | | | | |放
| | |发证机关盖章: |凭
| | | |
| 备 | |经办人签字: |证
| | | |
| 注 | | |
| | |20、发证日期: 年 月 日 |

|1、申请进口单位主管部门(地区): |4、对外签订合同单位: |
| | |
|2、申请进口单位: |5、登记表编号: |
| | |
|----------------------------------------------------| |
|3、申请进口单位地址: |6、有效期: |第
| | 年 月 日前到货有效 |
|----------------------------------------------------| |
|13、到货口岸(具体关名): |14、进口登记类别: |
|15、项目名称:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |关
| |
|16、项目类别:------------------------------------ 17、项目所属行业:------------------------------ |作
|进口产口明细:(见明细表,共 页) |18、进口金额合计: 万美元|验
| | |登记机关盖章: |放
| | | |
| 备 | | |
| | |经办人签字: |凭
| 注 | | |
| | |19、发证日期: 年 月 日 |证

|进口单位 |进口单位主管部门 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| (盖章) | |
|地 址| |邮政编码| |
|联系人| |电话| |到货时间| |
|合同号(或协议) | |分批到货| 1、否 2、是 |
|中方签合同单位 | |到货海关| |
|外方签合同单位 | |发货国家(地区)| |
|技术状态 |1、整机 2、二手设备 3、CKD 4、SKD 5、其经 |
|用 途 |1、生产 2、销售 3、使用 4、其它 |
|生产厂商 | 商品名称 | 型号 | 频率范围 | 发射功率 | 单位 | 数量 |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| 以下由无委办公室填写 |
|会签: |经办人: |领导审批: |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |

共 页第 页
| 无线电设备进关清单 |
| 生产厂商 | 商品名称 | 型号 | 频率范围 | 发射功率 | 单位 | 数量 |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| 备 注 | |

经办人签字: ××××年××月××日
| 无线电设备进关清单 |
| 生产厂商 | 设备名称 | 型号 | 频率范围 | 单位 | 数量 | 核准代码 |第
| | | | | | | |联
| | | | | | | |交
| | | | | | | |关
| 总 计 | | | |验
| 备 注 | |凭
第二联 报国家无委办公室备案

进关审查批件编号: 共 页第 页
| 无线电设备进关清单 |
| 生产厂商 | 设备名称 | 型号 | 频率范围 | 单位 | 数量 | 核准代码 |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |一
| | | | | | | |交
| | | | | | | |海
| | | | | | | |关
| | | | | | | |作
| | | | | | | |验
| | | | | | | |放
| | | | | | | |凭
| | | | | | | |证
| 备 注 | |

Provisions on the Management of Import of Radio Transmission Equipment
Article 1
This provisions are made in accordance with "the Radio Regulations of the
People's Republic of China" and "Provisional Measures on the
Management of Import of Mechanical and Electrical Products" with a view
to strengthening the management of import of radio transmission equipment.
Article 2
Any importation of radio transmission equipment is subject to this
Article 3
Under this provisions, radio transmission equipment is defined as all types
of equipments for radio communication, navigation, location, direction-
finding, radar, remote control, telemetry, broadcasting and television that
transmit radio wave, but not including industrial, scientific and medical (ISM)
equipments, electric transport system, high-voltage power line and other
electrical appliances that radiate electromagnetic wave.
Article 4
For any radio transmission equipment that are exported to China, the
foreign businessman involved should possess a "Radio Transmission
Equipment Type Approval Certificate" (see Annex 1) issued by the Office
of State Radio Regulatory Commission of the People's Republic of China(
hereinafter referred to as SRRC Office) and a Type Approval Identifier(
hereinafter referred to as SRRC ID) should be marked on the equipment.
Article 5
Procedures required in applying for "Radio Transmission Equipment
Type Approval Certificate":
a) Foreign manufacturer or its designated agent should present to
SRRC Office an "Application Form for Radio Transmission Equipment
Type Approval" (see Annex 2) and materials relating to the relevant
technical performance and specifications.
b) SRRC Office will, in accordance with the provisions of the state
relating to radio regulation and technical standards, examine the radio
transmission equipment of the aforesaid type and a test will also be
undertaken on the approved items by SRRC Office entrusted testing
c) The equipment, once approved qualified, will be granted a "Radio
Transmission Equipment Type Approval Certificate" and a "SRRC ID" by
SRRC Office.
Article 6
Every radio transmission equipment type is granted with one single SRRC
ID. If the performance and main technical parameters of the already
approved equipment type is revised due to application of technical
renovations, the aforesaid equipment type will have to reapply for the"
Radio Transmission Equipment Type Approval Certificate" according to
Provision of Article 5.
Article 7
SRRC Office will, on regular basis, publicize information concerning
equipment granted or deprived of "Radio Transmission Equipment Type
Approval Certificate".
Article 8
Any importation of radio transmission equipment should go through import
check-ups by the following procedures:
a) Before submitting its "Application Form for the Importation of
Mechanical and Electrical Products" (see Annex 3) to the regulatory
bodies for the importation of mechanical and electrical equipment at the
state, regional or industry levels, the importing department should report its
application form and relevant technical materials to SRRC Office or the
office of provincial, autonomous or municipal radio regulatory commissions(
hereinafter referred to as Local RRC Office) to which it is subordinate or
Local RRC Office-entrusted agency for examination. For equipment which
has obtained "Radio Transmission Equipment Type Approval Certificate",
the SRRC Office or Local RRC Office will sign on its "Application Form
for the Importation of Mechanical and Electrical Products" with
examination and approval statements.
b) The regulatory bodies for the importation of mechanical and
electrical equipment at the state, regional or industry level will use the
examination and approval statements given by the SRRC Office or Local
RRC Office as the basis for handling the import application and will then
issue "Certificate for the Importation of Mechanical and Electrical
Products" (see Annex 4) or "Registration Form for the Importation of
Mechanical and Electrical Products" (see Annex 5), only with which can
the importing department be allowed to sign the contract of import with its
foreign partner.
c) In accordance with the provisions made by the Ministry of Foreign
Trade and Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as MOFTEC) on
the undertaking and commissioning of import projects, the importing
department should go to MOFTEC for registration to validate its import
project. The signed contract on import of technology and equipment shall
not take effect unless approved by MOFTEC or its authorized authority.
d) If government of the exporting country requests the "Instructions on
Final User and Final Applications" from Chinese government, the
importing department should, as stipulated in relevant regulations, go to
MOFTEC for necessary formalities, presenting at the same time the "Radio
Transmission Equipment Type Approval Certificate" which corresponds to
its imported equipment.
e) Prior to customs entry of the imported equipment, the importing
department should report the "Declaration Form for Customs Entry of
Radio Equipment" (see Annex 6) required to be filled in, the "Certificate
for the Importation of Mechanical and Electrical Products" or the "
Registration Form for the Importation of Mechanical and Electrical
Products" and the contract of import to the SRRC Office or Local RRC
Office for examination and approval, who will on its part issue the first sheet
of the "Ratification Statement for Customs Entry of Radio Equipment" (see
Annex 7) and the second sheet issued by the Local RRC Office will be
filed to SRRC Office.
f) The Customs at different locations in China will grant entry
permission to the equipment in accordance with the "Certificate for the
Importation of Mechanical and Electrical Products" or the "Registration
Form for the Importation of Mechanical and Electrical Products" and the
first sheet of the "Ratification Statement for Customs Entry of Radio
Equipment", and equipment which are delivered in batches will be verified
and canceled on one-by-one cases.
Article 9
The importing department should, within one month after customs
clearance, send a certain proportion of the imported equipment to SRRC
Office or the testing authority entrusted by respective the office of
provincial, autonomous or municipal radio regulatory commission for test
on the approved items. Bulky equipment which can not be sent out for test
can either be tested on site or be exempt from test after the foreign
manufacturer involved provide the test report which is provided by foreign
testing authority and approved by the office of radio regulatory commissions
concerned whose responsibility is to grant ratification statement for import
of equipment. Equipment is found unqualified will be handled in accordance
with relevant provisions on the import of foreign equipment of P.R.C.
Article 10
Terms of reference in relation to the examination of imported radio
transmission equipment and issuance of "Ratification Statement for
Customs Entry of Radio Equipment":
a) Importation of radio transmission equipment by central government
organization (or bodies directly under its jurisdiction), Sino-overseas
cooperative enterprise and joint venture and solely foreign-funded enterprise
established under its approval, national or intra-provinceal enterprise group
and corporation will be handled by SRRC Office and equipment imported
by the above-mentioned entities which are located outside of Beijing will be
also dealt with by the office of provincial, autonomous or municipal radio
regulatory commission to which there entities are subordinate.
b) Importation of radio transmission equipment by local organizations
or Sino-overseas cooperative enterprise, joint venture and solely foreign-
funded enterprise established under the approval of local government will
be handled by Local RRC Office or its entrusted agency in the province,
autonomous region or municipality where the above-mentioned entities are
Article 11
No "Radio Transmission Equipment Type Approval Certificate" is required
for the importation of export-oriented radio transmission equipment CKD
or SKD loose parts, which will be handled by the customs instead to the
extent that these products shall not be sold or used in Chinese
market. Otherwise, "Radio Transmission Equipment Type Approval
Certificate" and customs entry examination will be required as set out in the
Provisions of Article 5 and 8 respectively, and with tax having been paid,
the Customs will grant entry permission according to the "Ratification
Statement for Customs Entry of Radio Transmitting Equipment".
Article 12
No "Radio Transmission Equipment Type Approval Certificate" is required
for radio transmission equipment or samples which are carried from abroad
into China for temporary use in scientific and technical exhibition or in
gymnastic activities and is prepared to be shipped abroad once these events
are closed, but a "Ratification Statement for Customs Entry of Radio
Equipment" from SRRC Office or Local RRC Office is needed and the
import supervision will be undertaken by the Customs.
Article 13
Any foreign representative agency, consulate, representative offices of
international organization or its staff stationed in China that carry or deliver
radio transmission equipment into China should present a written
application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which will grant approval
after consent has been sought from SRRC Office. Custom entry permission
will be given following customs declaration and the presentation of the
ratification statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Article 14
"Ratification Statement for Custom Entry of Radio Equipment" issued by

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